Tuesday, March 13, 2018

CPS Stability - Part II

The fact that CEO Janice Jackson has unequivocally stated that even if schools see a decrease in their enrollments they will not suffer budget and staff cuts for the coming school year. That's obviously a real relief to all concerned. One question - out of many that could be asked - why has it taken this long for the CPS brass to realize that stability is exactly one of the main elements needed for the children?

I get that enrollment has gone down in the district and that the state funding issue along with the CPS debt crisis has been a real burden. But stability has to be foremost in the concerns of any school district anywhere in the country no matter the issues.

Parents, students, individual school personnel and so many others have to know that their individual schools will maintain this type of quality year in and year out. Given some of the other forms of instability that certainly occurs in various neighborhoods, school stability must be counted upon.


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