Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's a Done Deal

As expected, yesterday, the Chicago Public School's Board of Education unanimously voted to close all four Englewood high schools as they have declining enrollments. As one would anticipate, students and parents voiced both their disapproval and frustration with the unanimous decision to no avail.

A new high school, at the cost of $85 million will be erected on the current site of Robeson High School. The new building will be open to Freshmen in the fall of 2019. At a deal struck earlier the students currently attending Hope, Harper, Team Englewood and Robeson will be able to finish high school at their current schools.

And therein lies a real lingering concern. Just how will these students be treated? Will they have the very best teachers? Will they have a broad spectrum of courses to choose from and will they have extracurricular opportunities? It seems clear to me that the students will be shortchanged and that is the REAL problem.


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