Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Haiti Matters

It's abundantly clear that Hurricane Matthew delivered a huge punch to much of western and portions of Central Haiti (including the island of La Gonave). Over 1,000 have succumbed to the storm and attending cholera, crops are wiped out, homes destroyed and the attendant urgent needs of medicine, clean water, shelter and food are visible.

Yes, Haiti matters. Children everywhere matter. One's skin color, their history, their lot in life, religion/belief system, and their location makes no difference. We all have essential needs and we all deserve a chance to make it in life. I'll never forget the book written by John Wooten, some twenty years ago, entitled 'We Are All the Same.'

With this in mind, I'd like to ask you to be a part of helping the children of Bel Platon Community School. Right now, this impoverished school is suffering from many of the ills that Matthew brought to the residents of this island community. You can be a part of seeing to it that we, in fact, are treated 'All the Same.'

To make a donation to the school, kindly write a check payable to Schools Count Corp and mail it to Dick Flesher, 14004 John Humphrey Dr., Orland Park, IL 60462. Please write 'Help Haiti' in the memo section of the check. Of course you can go to our website, and make a donation online if you so choose.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration,

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