Thursday, October 6, 2016

Escalating Problems

Yesterday I lamented the loss of more CPS staff as the school district population continues to slide. It's almost as if there is a domino effect. Sadly, a perfect storm. A convergence of factors comes together and it spells trouble. Jobs, are lost,poverty grips a neighborhood, tax revenues plummet, crime grows, and the school lose students. Added to this mix the CPS problems; no teacher contract, turnover, layoffs, budget problems and more.

So it's no wonder that as students continue to enroll elsewhere, the CPS district office - in light of financial woes - is making cuts to their budget and those of the schools.

So, in spite of some great things happening at individual schools, the picture on a macro level is looking rather grim. I have said this before, until ALL stakeholders realize these rather dire problems and act as one nothing will improve. This scenario is one of the big reasons I am advocating that CTU not strike next week.


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