Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It Doesn't have to be this Way

In 2013 the Centers for Disease Control pointed out that there were 33,636 deaths in this country due to the shooting of said firearm. That's roughly 90 deaths a day. There's no need to compare this number to those killed in transportation accidents or any other cause. The number is simply sad and most distressing.

Raising the primary question among all of our fellow citizens, is this acceptable or even remotely tolerable? I suspect most people think this is not something that can continue.

Whether it's suicide, accidental shootings, or other forms of firearm death, this simply can't continue without some action. Why would a civilized nation continue to tolerate this condition? We shouldn't. It doesn't matter the form of death; car accidents, firearms, disease or other forms of meeting ones fate, we can do something about it.

Yeah, I know this is a contentious issue but on one thing I am certain everyone can agree and that is on the issue of firearm safety. Ask any decent gun owner and they will tell you that safety is a major concern of theirs. So, that's where we all have to start...the issue of safety. Everyone should want to find a way to keep safe and to ensure the safe use of guns. There are lots of options about how to achieve this goal and the sooner we tackle this, all the better.

I, for one, am tired of seeing 9 year-olds gunned down in the middle of the afternoon. We all ought to be driven to action to see to it, as best as possible, that the chances of this happening again are limited through sensible gun safety action.


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