Monday, November 23, 2015

As the Holidays Approach

It always seems to be a festive time of year during this week of Thanksgiving. It is the time when our attention turns to family and spending time with loved ones and friends. The aroma of freshly baked pies, turkey, casseroles, sweet potatoes and more fills the home. As it should be!

Soon after Thanksgiving we will turn our attention to the next holiday in December. Much joy abounds!!

But as we enter this holiday period I can't help but think of too many people, school children included, who are going without; going without proper food, not having warm clothing or a warm home, without the support they need, and missing out on the good that the holidays have to offer.

All of this is a reminder of the good each of you do on behalf of these children-in-need. Thank you for assisting them in so very many ways.


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