Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dump the Turnarounds

The other day I pointed out the lack of progress made as a result of the infusion of $3 billion in turnaround schools. Let me be clear, the money ought to be spent on education. Just how the money is allocated and what it is spent on is the real question.

The structure of the school shouldn't really be the issue. By that, I mean that getting rid of a certain percent of the teachers, staff, principals, etc. isn't really the answer. What remains undone, untouched are the conditions that exist within the larger school community that goes unearthed and unresolved.

I have long talked about these conditions - blight, poverty, unemployment, low wages, family issues/concerns, and more - and they are as ever present as they were before these 'reform' programs.

Creating more charters, selective schools, and charters hasn't got the job done and building more of these will likely render the same results.


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