Tuesday, May 12, 2015

An Unspoken Truth on School Finances

It is an elephant in the room. Whether in negotiations or informal talks the topic regarding the monetary effect of providing Educational Services (Special Education and other related services) is simply not discussed. And we shouldn't kid ourselves, Educational Services take up a sizeable portion of the funding of most schools. That's fine!

My point is this...when people discuss teacher salaries, spending on capital projects, insurance, property taxes, state funding or any other money related issue, recognition has to be made concerning the rapid increase in spending, in recent years, that has to be devoted to providing Educational Services.

Often people lament the fairly large increases in spending in schools without understanding that it isn't merely teachers asking for more. The public may be surprised to find that spending on traditional education programs has remained fairly stable in recent years. I am aware of the fact that some schools have witnessed a rapid expansion of Ed. Services in recent years.

The public at large needs to realize that as there is a demand for more services then more money will be needed. At the same time, I tire of people saying that the increase in school expenses is somehow the fault of teachers.


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