Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Lesson in Learning

It doesn't matter if its the classroom or the principal's office or the board room of the Board of Education. What counts in all of these arenas is the component of cooperation. Unless it is pervasive and ever present not much in any meaningful way will take place in terms of educating children.

Students need to cooperate with teachers and the staff, in turn, must do likewise with the students. The building administration has no choice but to do the same with their entire staff...B & G, the teachers, students, parents, cafeteria personnel and the Board of Education. The same goes for the Board of Education. They have to find meaningful avenues to work collaboratively with one another, the community, the various staffs and more.

In this day and age of reform, high stakes standardized testing, and more, the time tested lessons that have always been part of education, since we all entered kindergarten, are as true and proven today as decades ago. Cooperation has always been a hallmark of the process of learning and today, more than ever, we need a healthy dose of it.


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