Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Here's my bucket list, in part, for neighborhood schools which have too few resources and a low tax base no matter where they are located in the United States.

- Provide them with the needed nurses and social workers every day of the week
- Make sure that the kids have full access to Music, Home Economics, Physical Education and Art
- See to it that the schools have clean washrooms and toilet paper (No, I'm not kidding)
- School districts should not be firing principals, asst. principals and teachers during the year
- If a school has a program then provide the resources
- Let teachers teach and forget the time spent on standardized testing
- Administrators, and the public at large, should ask for responsible teachers and put less emphasis on accountability
- Quit chastising unions

Just some thoughts about what I hope will be some positive changes in 2014-15.


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