Thursday, May 15, 2014

Troy LaRaviere Stands Tall

You have to hand it to Principal Troy LaRaviere of Blaine Elementary. He pulled no punches when he criticized Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for the perceived heavy handiness towards CPS neighborhood school principals. Once you read the article, get a sense of Mr. LaRaviere's background, understand his situation and then examine the situations he brings to the fore then you will understand why he says "principals have no voice."

LaRaviere makes mention of the fact that principals were told to support the longer school day being proposed in addition to having their speeches ready for recall at subsequent principal meetings. LaRaviere also recounts the fact that he was told, by CPS officials, not to appear on WYCC television to comment on school overcrowding. There are other instances recalled by Mr. LaRaviere that speak to having little or no voice.

I have seen the obstacles facing principals (and other staff) when it comes to running their schools. Budget cuts, overcrowding, being short on resources and receiving what I call 'marching orders' from above. These are but a few of the everyday concerns and issues facing many terrific professionals. Mr. LaRaviere speaks the truth.

I don't care if it's a school or business, the professionals 'in the trenches' need to be empowered. When you get right down to it, they are in the know and the 'real' leaders follow them!


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