Friday, February 21, 2014

Some Final Thoughts on Vouchers

Vouchers and tax credit scholarships are not prevalent in America though roughly about 20% to 25% of the states have one of these two programs. Before others get on the bandwagon here are some facts to consider.

First, there is no link between using vouchers and gains in student achievement and there certainly is no conclusive evidence that students who use vouchers to attend private schools perform better. The evidence on improved student performance, where it does exist in various states and communities, is largely focused on teacher quality and getting extra help for those students who need it.

Another one of my main concerns with vouchers is that the low income, low achieving student typically is not afforded the opportunity to participate in this program.

Aside from these concerns, the church-state issue needs to be resolved in the courts. Unless, and until, this takes place it really doesn't make sense to forge ahead on vouchers.

Finally, given the research I have conducted on vouchers and other so called 'reform' ideas, I have the very real sense that vouchers are another way for some people to undercut public education. I refer to this as 'off loading' or government agencies ridding themselves of the responsibility for educating the public.


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