Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be a Part of the Success!

Entering our 7th year is bound to be both exciting and rewarding. And what better way to help students and those families in need than to join forces with School Count! We have a number of ways that you can be a part of assisting others. We are always in search of donors and volunteers.

Here's are some of the activities: March is our Donor Month. I will provide you with a newsletter on our various endeavors which gives you an opportunity to contribute a monetary donation to SCC. Not only do you benefit thousands of school students but the donation is a tax write off. Tuesday, April 29th, 7 pm Jazz Festival This year the proceeds of the fest will go towards buying music instruments for John Hay Elementary School in Chicago.

Friday May 23 - Friday, June 6 is our 'Go Green' collection of gently used school supplies. You name it, we collect it. Why not give your students the opportunity to help others. Simply collect pens, pencils, markers, loose leaf paper, binders, spiral notebooks and the like and we'll pick them up at the end of the school year.

Sorting of supplies will take place at 20048 S. Kohlwood Dr., Mokena, IL. on Sat. June 7th and Sat., June 21. We'll work from 8:30 am to noon. This is always a great way to meet others, hear stories of our work and to ready supplies for delivery in August.

We'll load trucks on Monday, August 11th from 8:00 am to noon. Many of you have helped us in the past and this is a monumental project in terms of getting the right supplies to the proper schools so that they can be delivered on the following three days. As in the past, we'll keep you hydrated and provide you with lunch. What better way to kick off the school year than getting needed resources in the hands of the kids!!!

There are plenty of other ventures coming up; painting a school, our October Donor/Volunteer Dinner, Coat Drive and so much more!! To be a part of our exciting work just drop me a note and let me know you're in!! My email is

Many thanks,

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Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School