Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Holidays

The stockings were filled by the chimney with care...Okay, I will stop there as my penchant for poetry and reciting verses is not all that it should be. The point is that the schools are about to take a break and the holidays are at hand. I will also take a break from blogging so that I can also enjoy this time of year with family and friends.

Speaking on behalf of myself along with our Board of Directors, let me wish you a season filled with much happiness. I know that the time spent with family, loved ones, and friends is meaningful. May you enjoy the peace, tanquility, and joy of the season.

Schools Count Corp will have its seventh anniversary in 2014. You should know that you have made the lives of many students and citizens richer than you might ever imagine. In hundreds and thousands of ways, you have brought young people the real hope and real promise that their lives will be better in the years to come. I found all that you do for these students most inspiring.

Happy Holidays,

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