Friday, December 6, 2013

Washington Update

Yesterday the Washington, IL government officials gave an update on some of the sad effects of the tornado that hit the town on Sunday, November 17th. The data is very disheartening.

The Mayor said that there will about a 50% reduction in property value in the town. Obviously, the revenue from property taxes will be greatly diminished. It just makes it that much more difficult to rebuild given that condition.

It has also been reported that 80% of the destruction still remains on the ground and yet to be cleaned up. People have been working like crazy, including at night, to remove the debris. This gives you an idea of the extent of the hardships in the process of starting to rebuild.

Spirits remain high though I know some people are getting fatigued. As one policeman told me..."I'm tired." He certainly wasn't complaining...just stating the truth. In some respects, the town will most need our help commencing right after the holidays.


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