Thursday, November 21, 2013

Washington, IL - 4 Days Later

There are some reports out of Washington, IL that now say up to 1,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed in this hard hit town. Yes, rebuilding will take place but in the meantime the struggles will be many as the winter season is on the horizon.

With so many homes damaged it makes sense that the school age children, and their parents, lost much. Clothes, personals, books, music instruments, furniture. The list is endless. The point is this: the students are going back to school today and are likely to be without many items that they need in the classroom and on the field of play. We can certainly help in this regard.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I can think of no better way to demonstrate our personal thanks for peace, safety, a warm home and the good that we enjoy. Please consider making a donation to Schools Count Corp. in the coming days so that we can help our fellow citizens realize the same joys we are fortunate to realize.

Any donation helps. Simply write a check payable to Schools Count Corp and mail it to Dick Flesher, 20048 S. Kohlwood Dr., Mokena, IL. 60448. Note tornado in the memo section.

Thanks for your consideration,
Dick flesher

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