Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Part II - The Street

As if the growing poverty among public school students wasn't dishearterning enough, The Street has reported that homelessness among public school students is on increase. From academic year 2010-11 to that of 2011-12 the number of homeless children rose a staggering 10%.

It has left me pondering many things. First, does the typical citizen really have an awareness of these conditions and are they prepared to do anything about it? I'm also left gasping, gasping for these kids and their families...struggling to get through each day. Really, they are homeless and/or poor and we expect them to perform on standardized tests?! Give me a break.

Oh, by the way, obviously if students are struggling because of the ailments brought about due to poverty or being homeless, the pundits, corporate reformers and critics will wail and complain about teachers and schools not getting the job done. Again, give me a break!

Also, I am growing less confident that the powers that be, from government to so called reformers to society at large will step up and address the root causes of poverty, blight, unemployment and neglect.


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