Friday, November 15, 2013

It's A Shame

Teachers being told to give the PSAE, ISAT and now Common Core State Standards. Staff and school administrators told they can only measure up if a child's test scores improve. Schools being shuttered while some are overcrowded. Boards of Education micromanaging what is best left to the classroom professionals.

People being told that unions are evil and are one of the major reasons why we are allegedly failing our students.
Too many in govt. ready to jump on the bandwagon of vouchers, charters and selective enrollment schools. The move is underfoot to privatize a treasured and valuable endeavor - public education.

Worse yet too many teachers and students are without the very real resources they need on a daily basis to follow all of the above marching orders. How does that make any sense? You are told, too often, to do the impossible or what isn't practical yet one has to accomplish these feats without the proper support.

What a shame!!


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