Saturday, February 9, 2013


Okay, big deal, so a test can be given that measures everyone against the same standards.  Sure, you can use this tool as a means of seeing if one has met a certain measure or got to a certain level of learning.  Yep, you can use such a device as a method of determining if someone moves forward into another grade level or into college.

Sounds good, right?  Not so fast.

First of all, the whole of object of learning is to get interested and inspired about learning for the sake of learning and making themselves better to be a citizen in our society.  This isn't the only reason for the existence of education but it is a primary one and no standardized test that I know of measures this.

As I mentioned standardized tests measure certain levels of achievement in content.  Do you think any of them assess ones level of understanding in mastering the arts, cooking, performance dance, woodworking and other hands-on activities?  No chance.  That's a pretty significant shortcoming.

By the way, I realize assessments are given in terms of grade promotion or as a means of one entering college.  However, given the fact, as I just mentioned, that some areas are not part of the standardized test  then the measure is not appropriate for a number of students.

By the way, who sets the standard about what is considered 'progress,' 'achievement,' and/or 'success' on the test?  A for-profit company or a goverment agency?  I think people need to allow those who work with our children the opportunity to assess such outcomes.


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