Thursday, February 7, 2013

Measuring Merit

Real teacher effectiveness includes a good number of important traits beyond the prescribed tying of student standardized test results demanded by many state and school districts.  That's an issue I blogged about yesterday and might be worth your checking out.  If you want to judge the quality of the teacher, better tools are out there.

To look at how a teacher inspires, determining what is taught and learned, judging ones ability to motivate, seeking to uncover the extent to which a teacher is able to help a student grow, and opening up the minds of students to new opportunities and different perspectives is a complex one.

Three or four different methods of examining the effectivenss of a teacher need to be part of the total picture.  Self reflection and assessment is certainly part of the answer.  I also believe there is a real need to have extensive student feedback regarding teacher quality.  Students will be pretty up front on this.

Having peers evaluate you won't hurt a thing.  Why not have a second grade teacher help assess the performance of his/her colleague?  Works for me.  And, of course, there is an important role to be played in the process by the building administration.

One warning, given the above, please don't use some local or state govt. form of evaluation on the above qualities.  Schools and school districts, along with the evaluators are smart enough to know a good assessment instrument.


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