Tuesday, February 19, 2013

City Schools and Gun Violence

A nationwide conversation has ensued about guns, gun violence, the senseless death of far too many school children and potential legislation dealing with these issues.  Let me be clear;  I am not a gun owner, I'm not interested in politicizing any issues related to guns, the ownership of them or doing harm to the Second Amendment.  I want to weigh in on one major point.

Too many school children are dying because of gun violence.  From Newtown to the four deaths of CPS students in the past two weeks, too many children are meeting a senseless and needless end to their lives.  On this point, everyone should be able to agree and, if not, then we aren't as civilized as one would hope.

Let me pose one follow up question to this onslaught of assaults on our nation's youth.  Shouldn't we work to find a way to get guns off the streets of Chicago or any other street where our nation's young attend classes?  If the answer is yes then we need to press the police, citizens, schools, civic organization, religious groups, and legislators to get to work to remove these deadly weapons from killing any more of our school children.

It's been said before...enough is enough.


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