Thursday, December 6, 2012

Students Assisting Students

Hinsdale Central's Students Assisting Students made a big splash yesterday by providing 40, yes 40, coats to the children of King Elementary School in Chicago.  Three of the students actually made the trek to Chicago, after school, to present the donation to those in need.

One of the wonderful aspects of the coat drive is the fact that the 12-member club did a great deal of fundraising this semester in order to purchase the coats.  SAS raised the funds by working at the football concession stand, baking and selling coats and selling candy.

Aside from the fact that the students did all the legwork in terms of fundraising, the club members did the shopping in addition to getting to Chicago and making the connection with the King community. 

On a personal note, I am proud of the club for making such a meaningful contribution to students who could use a bit of help in the form of someone simply caring about them.  Mission accomplished!!


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