Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Helping Moonachie, NJ

Over the past few days as we've been collecting funds to help people cope with the effects of Hurricane Sandy we have also been looking for a specific school and community to help.  Moonachie, a town of 2200, was severely flooded as a berm broke (in a number of areas) and swamped the town.

At this point we are in contact with the Moonachie School District to find the best way to offer some assistance.  Many people still have water in their homes, making conditions near unliveable.

Right now providing school supplies, according to the principal tech teacher, is not what is needed.  Meals, getting power and making their homes liveable are a much bigger concern.  I will chat with more people in Moonachie later today and hope to give you additional details in the coming days.

We took in another $250 in donations yesterday bringing our total contributions to $1600.  We are pleased to continue to accept donations in the coming days.  The more donations, the more we can help the good citizens of Moonachie.

Many thanks,

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