Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Note from New Orleans

Below is a note I received from Cheryllyn Branche the Principal of Banneker Elementary in New Orleans.  It conveys her sentiments about the gratitude felt towards our charity.  I thought you would find it both heartfelt and moving.

Dear Friend,

I have thought about a response everyday since you wrote to tell us of your continued work and the decision you were going to have to make, at some point. For six years, you and your team have helped us to "hold it together" when it seemed there was nowhere to turn. You let us know there are "angels in our midst", even though our midst expanded to Chicago.

Remember, you guys gave us wings, when we didn't even know we could fly. Now you have to do the same closer to home and we have to use our wings. In the same way you supported our children and this city, we have to figure out how we can do that for others. We are aware of the horrific devastation experienced by our neighbors to the north and I pray your incredible work brings them an eternal spring. Our hats are off to you and all of the team.

As we wind down this school year and reflect on the gifts only God could give, we can only count the blessings of a tenacious group of committed folks who resolved to bring hope to us over a six year period, not just uniforms and supplies. We may not get any more tangible gifts but, hope and friendship remain, never to be taken away.

Tell Dawn and the team, we love you guys and could never thank you enough. Continue to spread your joy, your hope and your gifts. The Banneker Family knows the joy and has experienced the benefit of your giving and we are eternally grateful.

With Love and Admiration to all of you,
Cheryllyn M. Branche, Principal
Banneker Elementary and Middle School
421 Burdette Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
sch: 504.373.6203

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