Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CPS Contract Talks

Even though the CPS lunchroom workers got a 2% pay raise for each of the next two years, that should not lead one to think that the teachers and CPS are anywhere near settling.

Last year CPS reneged on a 4% raise for the current year then offered a 2% raise for next year.  That was to be followed by a one year pay freeze only to see the succeeding three year pay increases based upon merit.

With the district looking at a $700 million debt, one finds it difficult to believe that a deal will be reached anytime soon.

Currently, schools are in session 375 minutes per day and next year an additional 75 minutes will be added to the school day.  So instead of a 5 hr., 45 min. day, children will be in school for 7 hours.  No doubt the CTU (teachers union) feels justified in asking for a fair raise given the fact that teachers will be in the classroom for a greater period of time.

This seems like a perfect storm, perfect for a strike.  Being in debt, adding significantly to the length of the school day and seven unions seeking a contract all adds up to a recipe for a rough start to the 2012-13 school year.


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