Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More than a Little Alarming

Recently there has been a good deal of discussion about teacher pensions, length of service needed to earn ones retirement income, school reform and more.  Lost in the discussion is a more vital concern and issue dealing with the great teachers continuing in the profession.

I know a good number of terrific teachers who are getting fed up.  I'm not talking about getting fed up with legislative demands; rather, getting fed up with or tired of some of the day-to-day problems. 

What good teachers tell me is that teaching is no longer merely teaching a class but it is teaching mulitiple classes within a class period!!  Different lessons for 'different' children, making multiple tests for the same class, meeting multiple people about multiple children within the same class period.  It's getting insane.

It's no longer a matter of having a set standard for a class or subject and the students work to meet that standard.  Today's teachers have to create different standards, assessments, and objectives for lots of students.  It is quite simply too much.

Many of these fine teachers relate to me that the amount of enabling and adjustments that must be made are simply overwhelming and out of control.  Sadly, some great young teachers are talking about getting out of teaching rather than staying in for the duration.

That my friends, is more than a little alarming.  We can't allow this condition to persist.  We need these bright and energetic people in the classroom.


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