Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What are We to Make of This?

There is a disturbing trend in America to sell off services or other government run obligations to private enterprise. You name it and authorities at various levels are getting rid of it. The reasons are plenty but the main one is funding.

Tollways, highways, parking meters, schools and more are being sold off or simply taken over by the private sector. I don't know enough about most services but I do know a good deal about the education sector being let go by various local government agencies. Most of this action involves the creation of charter schools.

It's true that charter schools use public funding though most get a lesser amount than the true public school in the same district, county or state.

As true public schools are becoming charters, for all practical purposes, the charters are pretty much on their own in terms of their operation. This allows them more autonomy while government agencies are able to free themselves of various commitments, financial and otherwise.

Remember, if a charter needs more funding they cannot go to the taxpayers and ask for a referendum. And if this situation exists well, don't count on the local or state government to come to the rescue. It just isn't going to happen.

I won't get into the merits, or lack thereof, of charters right now. My point is that government agencies, at all levels, have always looked at educating the nation's youth as one of their primary responsibilities and rightfully so. To disavow themselves of this commitment is a travesty and one that we ought not allow.


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