Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Fight Continues

Now that our delivery of supplies to NOLA, CPS, and Joplin schools has taken place, what should we do or be thinking about with regard to aiding these schools in the future? Should we even consider helping them in the years ahead? After all, aren't they better off now than prior to our help? Some might even recommend 'shutting down' for a bit.

There certainly is merit in 'catching our breath' and 'recharging our batteries.' I won't argue this point but I want to mention one condition that needs to be addressed and kept in mind; the needs of the children (and their families) don't have the luxury of such a respite. The challenges they face are daunting and they exist on a day-to-day basis.

I am reaching out to each of you to ask you to consider the above scenario in the hope that you will find a way to engage in an activity, of your choosing, that will help improve the educational and living-condition situation faced by the Chicago Public School students we serve.

Please know that I am most appreciative of your support and your willingness to engage in support of activities that promote the 'common good.'


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