Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Impressions Concerning Chicago Public Schools

Our deliveries to the schools of Chicago went smoothly throughout the entire August 3rd and 4th period. We had plenty of volunteers (at least 12 each day), we had fun and the low bridges weren't too much of an obstacle.

Whether we encountered principals, teachers, maintenance staff or parents, the reaction to receiving school supplies was universal...a sense of elation and thanks. In fact, Mr. Flowers, the Principal at King Elementary (shown in the photo) stopped a school-wide faculty meeting so that all of his teachers could thank us for the donation. I have never seen such a mass of people feel so appreciative. It was quite moving to be a part of it.

Our group also found that a good number of schools are undergoing some significant repairs which was a positive thing to witness. Sadly, way too many schools are in need of much work. With many schools commencing instruction on August 8th, far too many are without air conditioning.

We also saw factories which are shuttered, meaning that jobs continue to disappear, and a good many homes are boarded up. In total, far too many communities are in tough shape.

No matter the conditions, we found people to be welcoming, grateful and engaging. There wasn't one school that took our donations for granted; rather, they were so appreciative of our concern for those who really need the assistance. At three separate schools, the principal shook the hand of each of our volunteers as we finished putting away the supplies. Now that is some real gratitude!

As always, we ended our two-day venture feeling as though we made a difference, knowing that going back next year will prove to be just as rewarding for everyone involved in the venture.


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