Thursday, August 25, 2011

And Without an Education...

After two years of delivering supplies to some of the poorest area schools in the CPS system, it has occurred to me that the hill, more like a mountain, will be hard to climb in terms of students having a brighter future.

I have seen too many buildings abandoned, so many factories closed, jobs hard to find, too many incidents of children misbehaving inside and outside of the classroom, and a lack of structure and support outside of the school setting. These are monumental problems and I have often thought about what the support of Schools Count Corp means relative to overcoming these hurdles.

The immediate and short term answer is that we aren't putting a dent in these larger social, psychological and economic problems. I don't want to fool anyone. I am sickened by the degree of depravity and shocked by the scenes of loss.

But I hold out the hope of optimism in the long term. I have witnessed great teaching on many occasions, come in contact with very bright principals, and walked hand in hand with appreciative students.

As long as our charity, with its generous donors and volunteers, hangs in there, I have no doubt that we will make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. I am determined to see individual student and school growth and I remain confident that positive results will occur in the long run.

Thanks for your help,

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