Monday, May 2, 2011

Defying the Odds

Last Friday I had the opportunity to spend the entire school day at Curtis Elementary with a number of students from Hinsdale Central High School who are currently enrolled in a course called Invitation to Teach.

I was able to sit in on at least half of the classes taught by the staff at Curtis. What I saw taking place in the various classrooms was simply amazing. Put quite simply, plenty of thoughtful instruction was evident. In turn, plenty of students were learning.

It is important to keep in mind that Curtis, this past year, was a turnaround school; that is, it was failing during the 2009-10 school year and the entire staff was let go at the conclusion of the school year. A brand new staff is in place for the 2010-11 school year. Imagine what is must be like for the students to get use to a new set of teachers!

Curtis is in a pretty tough neighborhood; high unemployment, poverty, some gangs as well as a whole host of other factors which would make teaching and learning difficult.

Despite these obstacles I found the administration and teachers welcoming, happy and patient. I saw a staff that was developing a system of teacher & student accountability while making sure that students were safe, respectful and disciplined.

The teaching that was taking place was thoughtful and robust. Teachers created a climate of caring and were most nurturing. I felt that the staff was in tune with the students in terms of their learner development. Lessons were engaging and students seemed quite motivated. It was evident that the children were prospering in this environment. It was obvious that standards were set high and everyone was on the same page in terms of reaching those goals.

For those who have watched the film Waiting for Superman, which depicts inner city schools as a wasteland, Curtis certainly broke the film's steorotyped image of a failed inner city school. All I can say to the film's adherents is...Curtis does defy the odds, the school works and works quite well.

All in all, I feel confident, given the direction of Curtis, that many students will have a chance to see a better day.


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