Monday, February 21, 2022

What's in a CPS Name

 Here are a couple of additional schools we are honored to serve in Chicago:

Johnson School - This school is named after James Weldon Johnson who was known during the Harlem Renaissance for his poems, novel and anthologies.   President T. Roosevelt appointed him as the U. S. Consul to Venezuela.    Later on Johnson would serve as a professor at both New York University and Fisk University.

Jensen School - Is named after Jens Jensen who was born in Denmark and came to the U.S. in his late teens.  He was a prominent landscape artist who had much to do with designing such Chicago Parks as Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, Garfield Park, Douglas Park and others.   Later in life he worked closed with Henry Ford on numerous projects.

Just two giants with their names attached to CPS schools.


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