Monday, February 7, 2022

A Desperate Need for Teachers

 This morning I'm going to depart from some of my typical comments about books, events taking place in the various schools we work with and concentrate on a vital concern...the need for more teachers in our classrooms.

I'm providing you with the names and addresses of the leaders of the nation's two largest teacher unions, the NEA and AFT.    I'd like to respectfully ask you to shoot off a short note to both if you have the time.   As soon as I finish this short blog I'll do the same.

The short note/letter would simply ask the respective unions to look at the long game and fund/prioritize developing high school programs/courses that would inspire young people to enter the teaching profession.    There's a smattering of such courses in the nation and they are highly successful at providing real classroom instruction relative to teaching and serve as a pathway to pursuing such a career at the university level.   I've seen these work!!!

Here you go!!   The National Education Association President is Ms. Becky Pringle and the mailing address is 1201 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036-3290.   The American Federation of Teachers is led by Randi Weingarten and the mailing address is 555 New Jersey Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20001.

If you are able to shoot off a letter or two I'd be pleased if you would send me a note simply saying 'mission complete.'    My email is  

Thanks and have a good day, Dick

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