Monday, November 15, 2021

In Education Equal ISN'T Equal

 Let's say two teachers each have 5 classes to teach in the same department or in the same grade level.    One teacher may have two preps while the other teacher may very well have four preps.  So, yes, they have an equal number of minutes to teach but in reality their teaching load is not the same by a long shot.

There are any number of other variables to consider when talking about 'equa'l relative to the field of education.    The fact of the matter is that equal is not going to be achieved for a whole host of reasons.  Over the next few days I will get into other examples/issues with regard to 'making things equal.'   In fact, trying to 'make things equal' is a fools errand.

More to the point, it is equality that is far more important to chase rather than making things equal.  Please follow the blog where is continue to examine the issue of 'equal ISN'T equal.'

Have a good day!

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