Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Top Down in Education

Trickle down is a hierarchical construct which may work in some instances in the field of education. On the chance this may occur it ought to be known that those implementing programs or policies from above will have had to get buy in from building staff. And that point seems to elude those who essentially give a directive without buy in or consultation.

Let me say this, those who are in the trenches day in and day out understand what makes students, athletes, other teachers and the classroom tick. They have a pulse on needs, moods, and the dynamics that occur daily. These are, for lack of a better way of saying it, the real experts. They possess the knowledge and savvy necessary to make things work. Their responsibilities are many and for the most part our public educators are terrific.

So to all those policy makers at the top of the education pyramid make it a point that you build sound student programs and policies from the ground up. If you do everyone will reap the rewards. To do otherwise you're simply creating unnecessary problems for everyone.


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