Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Questions for New Governor and Mayor

With JB Pritzker taking over the Governorship and a new Chicago Mayor due to be elected this spring there are some pressing issues and concerns that need to be tackled in partnership with the board and other education constituents.

For one, the 5-year moratorium on school closings is up and a report conducted by CPS indicates a good number of schools are being underutilized. Will the new leadership view this as a reason to close additional schools? While they are examining at this possibility, what will they do with schools that are overcrowded. And there are schools that ARE overcrowded.

Another possible front burner issue deals with the recurring concern expressed by many residents of the city who want to see an elected school board rather than one appointed by the mayor. Will the new mayor even tackle this one or ignore it?

The Chicago Teacher's Union pension shortfall is bound to gain some attention. How will this shortfall be addressed by the new city and state leadership?

Not that it's likely to come up but it remains a possibility. Will the new Mayor of Chicago keep the current CEO, Ms. Janice K. Jackson? This hasn't been brought up to my knowledge but time will tell.

Stay tuned,

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