Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Technology Bust??

Pieces of chalk could bust in the palm of my hand as I wrote on the chalkboard. I could just as easily make a mistake entering, by pen, a score in the grade book. The mimeograph machine was might be too low on fluid. But those errors could easily be rectified with a new piece of chalk, 'whiting out' the score, or adding fluid to the tank of the mimeograph. No problem.

These educational resources have almost entirely disappeared replaced by computers and other digital resources. What I have learned from observation and talking with educators is that the technology in use today is often in disrepair, not fully functional, slow and - bottom line - not user friendly!!

This is not a minor glitch. The computer/digital issues are rural, urban and suburban schools. Aside from these functionality concerns is the issue of big bucks. And these digital concerns are much more costly than the pieces of chalk, whiteout, pencils/pens and mimeograph fluid.

Technology is but one tool and if it isn't more functional than what I am learning some decisions need to be made that might help students and educators return to some resources that are more user friendly.


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