Thursday, February 1, 2018

More on Charters

Charter schools are subject to what is termed as "ongoing monitoring" by the Illinois State Board of Education. On the surface that is fine and appropriate. Of course this begs the question what is meant by 'ongoing monitoring?' Is the monitoring of charters the exact same template as used for other public schools? Good question.

Aside from that monitoring I believe it is even more critical that charters - which are public schools - have to adhere to the very same standards and ways of operating as the non-charters.

I have many beefs with charters but I'll just mention two. Charter school parents, in my view, should have the right to vote for a school board to oversee their 'public' school operation. The charter organizers could well use the oversight and input of a school board. These are important and valuable organizations for the traditional neighborhood public school system.

My second major concern is this...charter school organizations should never be 'for profit' institutions. The people who organize charters may most certainly have the best interests of students in mind but, there is no way that 'public' schools should ever use money that ends up in the pockets of those corporations who start charters.


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