Monday, February 12, 2018

Justice in Education

Throughout my days teaching and working with Schools Count I have long thought about and, yes, been puzzled by and thought long and hard about what it means to have justice and equality in public education. In the final analysis I am of the mind that justice and equality boil down to making sure that every child gets the very best education possible.

Justice isn't simply saying that the same number of dollars need to be spent on each child in America. A third grade child/school in rural America or a 9th grade student/school in urban Jacksonville, FL may well need more funds or resources provided than their counterparts in some other region of the country.

If schools have long faced deficiencies in some way, shape or form then something needs to be done to wipe out those shortcomings. It's not enough to simply throw up ones hands and say 'that's the way the cookie crumbles.' To take that metaphor a step further, I'll pose this question...why let the cookie(s) - students - stay crumbled?

We shouldn't


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