Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Great News on All Fronts

I n our efforts to raise funds for hurricane relief I am please to report that we have been able to collect in excess of $17,000 for those who need our help. The desperation doesn't end just because a few weeks have passed. You can still donate by going to our website at or send a check to Dick Flesher at 9550 140th Court, Unit #112, Orland Park, IL 60462. Kindly make the tax deductible check payable to Schools Count Corp.

It is my pleasure to announce that our 'Appreciation Dinner' will be held on Wednesday, November 15th at the Community House in Hinsdale (415 W. Eighth St.). This is a time of celebration and a time to come together to reflect on the great work of our donors, volunteers and those who we are able to support. ALL are welcome. Yes, everyone!!! There is no charge for the dinner. It is our chance to say thank you! Simply email me with your name and number of guests who will attend.


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