Thursday, April 6, 2017

DeVos on Uber/Lyft & Choice - Part III

To compare opting for an uber/lyft ride over a taxi to having a choice among a variety of schools falls flat on a number of fronts. The quality of the product is vastly different when it comes to school choice. A school is a school is a school just isn't based on fact. For example, there are charter and selective schools one might opt for, over another, but that school may not offer services for ADD or an Autistic student. That same school, or others, might not provide other services.

Okay, I can hear some people say the following. 'Since a particular school doesn't have programs needed by my children then the parents can go elsewhere and look for another school.' I have a candid reaction to that! Why on earth should a parent have to shop around at all!!!! Every public school needs to offer a full and complete curriculum

Let's chat about vouchers. Ms. DeVos is in favor of these relative to ensuring school choice. What is the dollar value of that voucher? Is it enough to get a child into a different school than the neighborhood public school? And just how many dollars will be diverted from federal school programs that are vital to all public schools in order to make that voucher meaningful? These are but a few of the many serious problems and issues dealing with vouchers.

A voucher doesn't really address school and teacher quality.


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