Thursday, January 19, 2017

Devos and Title IX

Title IX has as its goal, the guarantee of an equal opportunity, for all, to an education. That is it in its simplest terms. As the years have passed, sexual violence on college campuses has been added to Title IX to ensure that an equal and accessible learning environment is free of any such sexual violence.

While Ms. Devos, the nominee to be the Secretary of Education, hasn't publicly come out against the above she has donated $10,000 to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education which is challenging the standard of proof on victims of sexual assault in college hearings.

As I listened to and watched Ms. Devos testimony Tuesday evening, I did not come away assured that she would do all she could to protect males and females, alike, by seeing to it that ALL parts of Title IX are fully complied with should she ascend to the Office of Secretary of Education.

I'm more than a bit concerned.


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