Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Dr. King once proclaimed that 'the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.' I have long thought about this idea/phrase and the many meanings within those words. I certainly don't disagree with the sentiment, not at all. But the moral universe is something that is living, living within each of us and I wonder about the extent to which each of us is willing/sees fit to do something about rising up to and creating a greater justice for all.

I question this as our charity continues to work in impoverished areas of Chicago and other regions in the United States. I wonder about whether our society, individually and as a whole, sees the injustices within whole neighborhoods and schools. Are schools properly resourced? Do we see the individuals, without many of the benefits we enjoy, having the same opportunities or avenues to success as we enjoy? Do we even care?

My hope is that we can shorten the time span of the 'moral universe' so that 'liberty and justice for all' arrives sooner rather than later.


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