Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Education in this Election

Make Education Great (not 'again') going forward. That's right, it's not about 'Making Education Great Again,' it's about improving education and strengthening public education. It's about seeing to it that all children receive the proper education they are so richly deserving of.

Getting rid of the Department of Education, as promised by Mr. Trump, in addition to school choice/selective schools and the like does not advance the cause of public education.

A comprehensive education with the so called 'core' courses and the 'electives' is imperative. Put aside much of the testing, help ALL children with a truly rich curriculum and see to it that the system of education is a priority for this country in the years and decades to come.

Education took a back seat in this election as did most REAL issues revolving around policy and programs. By the way, having a Department of Education, on the whole, is a blessing for the children of America. It is not some sort of 'waste' as some believe.


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