Friday, September 16, 2016

Here's a Secret

It's time to listen. As school districts conduct even more one-to-one learning, put greater emphasis on test scores (they do), come up with more and more convoluted ways to evaluate teachers and so much more, there comes a time when school administrators and school boards need to 'clam up' and listen to the real needs of students and teachers.

Here's what I'm talking about. Are the rooms cooled or heated properly, are the schools treating electives (not a good term) with the same degree of attention as core courses, are there enough seats/labs for the children, are the needed supports in place for the teachers and students, are there enough subs, are there enough supplies and resources, are the computers/printers working?

Okay, you get the idea. There is a real disconnect between the first two paragraphs. My suggestion...listen to what people have to say about the real needs of students and teachers who are in the classroom day in and day out.


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