Monday, August 22, 2016

What it Will Take

Where poverty exists, unemployment is too high and resources scarce, much has to happen to help young people progress through schools. It will take parents, the neighborhoods, various government bodies, non-profits and the students to work together to advance the cause of children.

When I hear people say that the above groups are 'throwing good money after bad' I have a few words to say.

If all of the various groups, profits and non-profits alike, weren't doing what we are now, we would be facing even greater difficulties going forward. Then there are those who say we've created a so called 'welfare state.' My answer is this...we MUST look out for the welfare of all people in this country. Put another way, it is incumbent upon each of us to lend a helping hand, in whatever way possible, to promote the common good.

So let's dispense with the labeling and continue to roll up our sleeves to assist one another.


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