Monday, August 8, 2016

To Share a Pencil

Much takes place with Schools Count that both inspires me but also makes it clear that our work is so very necessary. Last week was a great one in terms of getting student and teacher supplies to nearly 40 schools in Chicago and the south suburbs. Lots of smiles on the faces of our volunteers, school clerks, asst. principals, and principals.

One small conversation took place which really evoked some idea of what the students, their families and the schools face each day. It was the third day of our deliveries and one parent of a child who attends a CPS school remarked that "I'm so very thankful for the supplies." She went on to add, "You know, there are times when children who come to our school with no supplies have to share a pencil with the person sitting next to them."

I knew there were, and are, great needs but I had no idea that it was as bad as children having to share as something as simple and vital as a pencil!!! Can anyone truthfully relate to going without a pencil when they attended school? No way!!! And I can imagine if the parents of those going without basic supplies had the funds they would surely purchase some pencils.

Going without a pencil ought to inspire all of us to do just a bit more. As I've said before, some people promise to do more, those of us in Schools Count do more.


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