Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Guns in the Classroom

Siva Vaidhyanathan and Frederick Steiner, who live many hundreds of miles apart, have one love in common...the University of Texas. Something else binds them, one currently at the University of Virginia, the other at the University of Texas...neither one of them want to be a Dean at the 'hook em horns' school now that weapons will be allowed in classrooms.

Vaidhyanathan pulled his name from consideration to be the Dean of the College of Communication while Steiner is leaving as Dean of the School of Architecture at Texas. So the whole notion of guns being allowed on campus, any campus, for the sake of safety has other ramifications; namely, a possible 'brain drain' in terms of the talent of its faculty.

Having guns in any classroom isn't simply about the rights of a person to bear arms. Many other factors and concerns need to be looked at before such a policy is put in place and the thoughts of these professors, along with the students and other workers at a school, must be given the same consideration as the right to bear arms.

For my two cents I never want to see one gun of any sort carried by students or staff!


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