Tuesday, March 8, 2016

An Elected CPS Board

It all sounds great...20 districts in the city of Chicago with each district selecting its own member to the Board of Education. I'm in favor of it. Let me add a caveat to this potential move to have the residents of Chicago select their own representatives to sit on the board.

Actually, the warning is the same for any school district or any other body of governance. Two thoughts of caution. First, will money win the day; that is, will this be a battle of people raising large sums of money to 'buy' their way onto the Board of Education? It is a major concern to be sure.

My second concern is this...Will the people who choose to run for a seat be educated enough to understand the very real concerns, needs and functions of a properly run board? The face of education has changed in many respects. Coming to grips with budgeting, paying off bonds, hiring of personnel and following the various local/state/federal mandates will require bright, thoughtful and savvy board members.

Yes, an elected board is needed but it will be a challenge to find competent and qualified individuals.


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