Friday, December 4, 2015

Not the Way it's Suppose to be

Prepare lessons, grade papers, meet students before/after school, attend in-service sessions, go to grad school, teach class, prod students, inspire others, keep kids on task and more. This is a big part of the life of a teacher. As I approach writing this morning's blog I am reminded of the harm wrought on innocent people.

Teachers and other school personnel now have to be on guard. No, it's not some of juvenile pushing and shoving that can happen in the hallways that teachers and hall monitors have to attend to. Nor is it the rather innocent barbs that are traded between kids. No, staff now have to be sure to conduct safety drills in the event of some heinous crime perpetuated on a group of people who just want to teach and learn. Teachers have to be ready to conduct 'lockdowns' in the event some horrible crime is committed in the school building.

It's enough to make me sick to my stomach.

Schools were and ought to be safe havens.


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